The Great Motivator

If COVID has taught us anything it is that fear is a great motivator.  We are trying to be obedient to the government authorities, staying home (nothing's open, anyway), quarantining ourselves from our families in terror that we might be a carrier of this dreaded virus and give it to a loved one who then suffers and dies.

I, for one, certainly don't want to be the harbinger of death.  Death is the greatest fear, is it not -- the unknown, the abyss, the end?  And yet, it is inevitable.  We will all, without a doubt, die at some point.  It is the great certainty.  And yet, it is also the thing we don't talk about in polite company.

As a child, I can remember lying in bed at night wondering about the great abyss.  Wondering how, if God wasn't there, nothing could exist.  Wondering at the idea of infinite, of eternity, of what could be at the end of the universe, of what 'nothing' was and how it could even be. At times, terror would overtake me at just the thought of the greatness of the unknown.

As an adult, I understand that even with all the scientists, astronomers, physicists and experts that are alive today, and all that existed in the past, there is still so little known -- and yet so much is claimed to be known.

The late physicist Stephen Hawking said, "God may exist, but science can explain the universe without the need for a creator."  No, it hasn't and it can't.   The truth is that with all the effort expended to remove the Creator from existence, science has left even the most expert experts empty handed of proof that God does not exist.

Even gravity and the why for it's existence, is unexplained, much less the why for the fine tuning of the entire universe.  And they fall even shorter when it comes to explaining the existence of life on this tiny planet, perfectly spinning in the midst of a universe so enormous the stars number is greater than the grains of sand on the earth.

The very best they have come up with is Panspermia, which is the idea that the earth was seeded from somewhere else in the universe.  Even if that were the case, how exactly does that explain the origins of life?  Another they like to toss around is the Multiverse theory, which basically says that there are so many universes in existence the fine tuning in our own was bound to occur in one of them.  Isn't that convenient?

While science has been used as a battering ram for God, it is really nothing more than the methods that same God uses to create. The fact that water is two combined elements - hydrogen and oxygen - does absolutely nothing to explain it's existence or take away from the beauty, necessity or our enjoyment of it. It simply gives us the recipe used to create it.

And yet they have convinced many of us, and our children, that their explanations eliminate God from the equation.

The purpose of all these efforts is to leave us wholly reliant and dependent on man.  As evidenced by today's society, man's ways leave us depressed and anxious, the outward expressions of anger and fear.

The Creator's ways lead us to the relationship and life we were created to have.  Peace that surpasses understanding, the knowledge that we have Someone on our side Who loved us enough to die for us,  and the fact that when we die, we will be with Him for eternity so there really is nothing to fear.

There are some things worse than death and I believe fear is one.  The Creator that man works so very hard to keep in the grave has risen.  He has told us repeatedly not to fear because fear leads us down the path of bad choices and regret.  He wants us to have life in abundance, to the full, overflowing.  Fear not, for He is with you.

Have a blessed Resurrection Day, everyone.


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