Liberals Turning Red as Moore Exposes Hypocrisy of the Greenies

The only thing more certain than death is that if a liberal accuses a conservative of doing something, you can be sure the liberal is doing it.
For decades, conservatives have been portrayed as anti-environment knuckle-draggers that want to poison the planet because they care more about green money than a green earth. The new documentary, Planet of the Humans, produced by flaming liberal Michael Moore, provides ample evidence it's the left that's been raping planet earth all along.
Conservatives have always argued that 'green' solutions like electric cars, windmills, and solar panels weren't solutions at all because of the damage inflicted to the environment and the cost involved in their production; much less their overall low energy output.
Lo and behold, yet again conservative arguments are proven to be true. This documentary shows us the green movement is not about saving the earth, slowing global warming, or even giving Greta Thunberg her childhood back.
It turns out the only green involved in the 'green movement' is the money lining the pockets of politicians and corporations that grow in wealth and power every time a new 'green' bill is passed.
Wind turbines and solar panels can never deliver the energy required to meet the needs of society. Electric cars are charged by power plants -- often coal burning power plants. And biomass? They're burning forests and rubber tires, while screaming about the harm that coal does? Really?
This is an eye opening piece worth watching for anyone that didn't already understand the utter hypocrisy of the political green movement. But don't think for a minute Michael Moore has jumped ship and joined the ranks of great conservative thinkers.
As revealing and damaging as this documentary is for the left, it does not bode well for those of us who value human life. It seems the solution that is reached by the end of Planet of the Humans is that the only way to save the planet is if we rid it of the humans -- or a whole heck of a lot of them, anyway. Optimism has never been a strong attribute of the left.
While it would be easy to label the calls for population control extreme or unachievable, one need only look at the success they have had in convincing the public to accept windmill-lined horizons and solar panel covered landscapes to understand the impact this mindset will have on our world. The Gates Foundation is actually already making strides in the push to control the peopling.
The only saving grace is that if it took them this long to figure out Al Gore is full of 💩, maybe there's hope for those of us that do not believe forced abortions, genocide and wars are the answer to conservation.


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