For the rest, brethren, what is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them]. 

~Philippians 4:8 AMP

Much like the 'do all things without grumbling or complaining' verse (Phil. 2:14), this scripture causes my flesh to do funny things - get all jerky and stuff, face wincing and scowling - think Elaine dancing in a Seinfeld episode.  I'm not much of a Disney Princess kind of girl, so the thought of thinking positive 24/7 simply crawls all over me.  In fact, those close to me would probably say I have more in common with Cruella than Cinderella. Don't judge.

However, this is a very personal scripture to me, mainly because I had it taped to a computer monitor I sat in front of for three years.  Realizing I needed an attitude adjustment, I would read it everyday, in the hope that one day I would successfully think positive for a moment.  It took three years - plus - but I finally got it.  We are what we eat, so it stands to reason our attitude will be what we think!  

Three years it took!  Which in my mind only confirms that one can have the entire Bible memorized from front to back, without gaining a bit of positive from it.  The Word has to be eaten.  It has to be put down in us, 'stored in the heart' as one of my favorite scriptures says (Prov. 4:20-22), it has to be BELIEVED and acted on.  

If we're memorizing it to beat others over the head, we're missing the whole point.  It is intended to change the READER, not the reader's loved ones.  When the reader begins to understand that, and starts APPLYING  the principals, it is then it will begin to have a positive impact on those around the reader.

Staring at this verse for three years was a nice reminder, but it was only when I began to put this verse into practice that any good came of it in my life - and the good that came of it was enormous.  Cruella rears her ugly head much less these days, and the day to day stresses of life don't wear me down like they once did. 
 When life starts to attack, I praise God, think on the good things I've been given, and forge ahead -- most of the time with a much better attitude than in the past.  And we all know, attitude is everything.


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