Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up.
*James 4:10

A quote attributed to Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr says "Most of us retain enough of the theological attitude to think that we are little gods."  Humility certainly doesn't come easy to us. Even when we are managing to be a little humble, we're usually patting ourselves on the back for doing so.

One of the biggest obstacles to folks turning to God is the belief that they're intelligence level is too high to submit to a Most High God.  As I discovered, though, humbling oneself is necessary to recieve His Spirit.  We can kneel at the altar every Sunday from now till doomsday, but unless we do it with a humble spirit, He is unlikely to reveal Himself to us.

And why should He? The Most High Creator God, maker of heaven and earth, humbled Himself by coming to this earth in human form.  His own creation, mocking and spitting on Him, nailing Him to a cross. And why was it necessary? To save us from our ourselves and our over-estimation of our intelligence.

We want to do it our way - even when when its obvious its the wrong way!  Why shouldn't he expect a little humility from us?  And why is it so against our nature to be a little humble?

A civilized society requires humility. Imagine the decrease in road rage if  there was a little more humility on the highways.  How many inner city deaths would be prevented if Johnny Gangbanger ate a little humble pie?  Where would we be as a nation if our politicians thought as much of their constituents as they do of themselves. Would they finally honor campaign promises and REALLY serve the people?

Can you imagine Nancy Pelosi or John Boehner washing anyone's feet!? Christ did. Christianity demands humility.  It requires a human to acknowledge God's ways are higher than their own.  It requires a repentant soul to acknowledge his wrongs and ask forgiveness. It requires we CHOOSE the God we rejected in the garden.

When we make that choice, He is faithful and able to release us from the prisons we have built around ourselves.  It is when we bow down to Him,  that He lifts us up and restores us.


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