
Showing posts from 2020

Name Above All Names

What unexpected emotion courses through your body when you hear someone say the name Jesus?  Honestly reflect on your emotional and physical reaction? Do you experience peace or offense?  Love or loathing?  Familiarity or discomfort?  Years ago, I can remember being very uncomfortable at the mention of His name. No matter what the reaction is, there is one.  Isn't that crazy?  A name.  What other name does that?  His is the Name above all Names, and our reaction, no matter what that reaction, is evidence of it's power.  Isaiah 49:7:  Before He was born, God knew He would be rejected by many, and told us so in the Book.  And for what was Jesus hated?  Search the words He spoke that are recorded in that Book. What were the words that caused men to despise Him to the point of demanding His death? This song, How Many Kings, speaks it more clearly than I ever could: Human kings don't die for their subjects; they...

Liberals Turning Red as Moore Exposes Hypocrisy of the Greenies

The only thing more certain than death is that if a liberal accuses a conservative of doing something, you can be sure the liberal is doing it. For decades, conservatives have been portrayed as anti-environment knuckle-draggers that want to poison the planet because they care more about green money than a green earth. The new documentary, Planet of the Humans , produced by flaming liberal Michael Moore, provides ample evidence it's the left that's been raping planet earth all along. Conservatives have always argued that 'green' solutions like electric cars, windmills, and solar panels weren't solutions at all because of the damage inflicted to the environment and the cost involved in their production; much less their overall low energy output. Lo and behold, yet again conservative arguments are proven to be true. This documentary shows us the green movement is not about saving the earth, slowing global warming, or even giving Greta Thunberg her childhood...

Supply Chain Shenanigans

So last week I come across this story explaining that a lack of demand for liquid eggs led to Cargill coming in and killing healthy, egg producing chickens. As with many happenings blamed on this virus, it made me go.... Then yesterday, I see this story about Tyson, the country's largest meat producer, placing ads in mainstream newspapers, warning of a food supply breakdown...after assuring us there was no need to panic . So I wake this morning, grab my coffee and phone, and begin my usual Facebook scroll and happen upon this jewel:   "Tyson Joins Bill Gates, Cargill to Invest in Lab-Meat Producer." -- published in 2018. "Whose name keeps popping up in all things virus, for $500, Alex."  Bill Frickin' Gates.  Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?  The largest food suppliers in the world are invested to win if the supply chain breaks down -- no conflict of interest, at all, right?    Paint me a paranoid conspiracy...

Did I Say That?

Man, was I snarky and strongly opinionated back then.  I miss that me. 

Viruses, Virgins and Vision

There's a quote attributed to Ben Franklin that says 'by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail'.  I don't know about ya'll, but I was ill prepared for the Corona apocalypse.   Although I wasn't born with a wooden spoon in my hand, I raised my kids in the kitchen, not the drive-thru.  Sure we enjoyed take out on occasion, especially those occasions when I'd worked a full day and was simply too tired to be creative enough for even Hamburger Helper.  But for the most part, meals consisted of the weekly grocery purchases.   Enter January 2020, and my empty nest equaled an empty pantry in these parts.  We were eating out more because it was easier with just the two of us.  My husband had become a regular at the local Dollar General because of his weekly foraging for quick eats.  Even a peanut butter cracker was hard to come by in our kitchen.  I was Old Mother Hubbard caught with a bare cupboard.   There's a ...

The Great Motivator

If COVID has taught us anything it is that fear is a great motivator.  We are trying to be obedient to the government authorities, staying home (nothing's open, anyway), quarantining ourselves from our families in terror that we might be a carrier of this dreaded virus and give it to a loved one who then suffers and dies. I, for one, certainly don't want to be the harbinger of death.  Death is the greatest fear, is it not -- the unknown, the abyss, the end?  And yet, it is inevitable.  We will all, without a doubt, die at some point.  It is the great certainty.  And yet, it is also the thing we don't talk about in polite company. As a child, I can remember lying in bed at night wondering about the great abyss.  Wondering how, if God wasn't there, nothing could exist.  Wondering at the idea of infinite, of eternity, of what could be at the end of the universe, of what 'nothing' was and how it could even be. At times, terror would overtake m...